Any Firm That Does Not Assume Financial Risk Is Not A Publisher

To someone considering vanity publication on Twitter.

Fk that. In an honest publishing deal, money flows to the writer. If they want to self-publish an ebook, they need not put out money up front; they can do it at Draft2Digital. They take a percentage of sales instead instead of demanding up front money. There are similar services; this is just one that I know that an author I trust has checked out and uses. Keep in mind that the author has to provide all graphics and have all editing and marketing done themselves. This is a slow way to establish oneself as an author and it may not succeed.

A real publisher assumes financial risk, fronting money for design, editing, marketing, distribution, and fulfillment; that is the whole and entire thing a publisher can do that an author cannot do for themselves. It is the entire business model of publishing to assume financial risk in the hope of making a profit. Any firm that does not assume financial risks is not a publisher.

Initial tweet. Tweets lightly edited for continuity.


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